Saturday, October 28, 2006

Congrats to Rocky McDonald

Congrats to Rocky McDonald

Congratulations to Rocky for finishing 2nd in the round last night with his 90 point ride!

Also congratulations to LJ Jenkins for his nice ride; and to Travis Briscoe for an outstanding effort in the 1st round of the PBR Finals.

Friday, October 27, 2006

ABBI Sale & PBR Finals

PBR Finals Start Tonight:

Well the PBR Finals start tonight. Check your local listings for times. This year they will also show up on the FOX network. Bob Tallman will be on those telecasts.

But what is most important to me is that the ABBI Sale will be on Wednesday November 1, 2006 at 6pm PST on Versus as well. So if you’re interested in the future of Bucking Bulls, I’d say check it out! I know I will!

Monday, October 16, 2006

The 30th Annual Lubbock Winter Series

The 30th Annual Lubbock Winter Rodeo Series is now under way at the South Plains Livestock Pavilion in Lubbock, Texas. Check out C-T Rodeo Company for more information.

Rodeo In the World

Rodeo in the World your rodeo resource

hear it here today:

October 14, 2005

Brought to you by:
Double P Tack – Your Rodeo Store Since 1994
See us on the web at Double P Tack
Maverick Rodeo Company – Over 30 years of raising our own champion rodeo stock.
Are you ready to make you rodeo one to remember? The contact us today 1-806-668-4458 or Maverick Rodeo Company

Rodeo News:
Rio Abajo Days, Belen, New Mexico – In the little town of Belen, NM they celebrate their rural heritage with Rio Abajo Days. For the past few years they’ve offered a Sheep to Bull Riding event. The mutton busters are pretty cute kids and there were quite a few PBR card holders who showed up for the open section. But the section that got me was the Jr. Bulls. The riding was a tie, so a foot race was organized to break the tie. Well as one of the judges of the foot race let me insure you not only was the bull riding a tie but so were the foot race and the second race too! A good time was had by all!
Breeders News:
With all of the spectacular sales that have been going on it is quite obvious that the bucking bull business is starting to smoke! But if you want to see what the future holds for papered animals then I suggest everyone make a trip to the South Coast Hotel in Las Vegas, NV the last Monday and Tuesday of the month. The ABBI will be having there finals and I’m sure there will be some performances that will take your breath away.

Other News:
Over the next few weeks there will be quite a few finals happening. From Circuits to Local Associations to the big three, PBR, USTRCA and PRCA all are biding for your dollar. Do us all a favor and visit as many as you can.

Breaking News:
The CBR and president Tuff Hedeman have announced that the CBR finals are moving to Las Vegas NV in January. They will be held and the Equestrian Center at the South Coast Hotel.

Associations are never right. Someone always feels this way and sometime rightfully so. But after hearing all the crying and squawking about the PRCA’s recent move to discontinue their relationship with the WPRA and start their own barrel association, I only have one thing to say. If you don’t like it, then take your money and go play someplace else! Crying and moaning doesn’t really accomplish anything but making a lot of people from the outside think that the one who may or may not be in the wrong, is actually right. So I’m sorry WPRA things have turned out this way. But right now I’m thinking the PRCA might have made a smart move.