Friday, October 10, 2008

SLC or Bust Day 3 reflections

A Game anyone?

Day three started off on a pretty good note. We headed north out of Salt Lake City headed towards Brigham City and Logan, Utah. We got out late enough that trafic was uneventful for us in a metroplex.

Our first stop was Bountiful, Utah. The temple site is high on the side of the mountain so while the instructions were not that great it was VERY easy to find! The road is very curvy so be cautious. One interesting point about the temple is the parking area is actually a parking garage, though Philip had to point it out or I would have never known. Coming down I was glad we were well under the speed limit as three doe walked in front of us. Guess the doe where smarter than the hunters, figured if the hunters are out in force the girls were going to town?

Ogden was our 2nd to last stop on the temple photography tour. The instructions were way off but Philip is not a typical man and he will ask for instructions. I think my van has built in GPS becuase we had gotten turned around the right direction, we were just off about a mile. The Ogden temple is in the middle of town so pretty easy to find once you get off the freeway. Philip wanted to go back to Hill AFB museum which is on the south end of Ogden, but we did not get to do that.

Logan was our next stop. Now Logan is pretty rural but has many ammenities of a small city, big town. We came in to Logan via the freeway and once you turn off the freeway it is a straight shot to the temple. However, this is the long way in and does not show you much of Logan.

We returned to Brigham City and were greated by our friends. Unknown to us, they had gotten us tickets to the Utah State vs. BYU football game back in Logan. They turned us on to a much faster way to Logan via a state road. The road is great, 4 lanes everywhere but one small stretch where they are working on a bridge. This time we saw much of Logan and we were very suprised by how big it really is. Of course our return to Brigham City was an adventure as the previousley mentioned bridge work got us and we ended up driving through town. Fortunatley Philip is pretty good with directions once he's been some place and we just went through a bunch of stoplights.

Utah State's stadium is in a real nice location, just bring a pack mule or lama with you as it can be a pretty steep climb.


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