Attack of the ARA's
Once again the ultra left media has allowed a known "animal rights" extremeist a public forum to sound out his mis-guided views and to spout dangerous rhetoric to the general public! What is so bad or new about that? This time it happens in the home of the PRCA and PBR, yes in Colorado Springs! They had the gaul to offer $50,000 to the PRCA Hall of Fame if the PRCA would ban Steer Roping! And the ultra left media (Colorado Springs Independent Newsweekly)in Colorado Springs bit, hook line and sinker!
Perhaps it is time we (rodeo contestants, fans, workers and the general public) hold these extremist to task. Why should we allow them to go untouched for their illegal or questionable actions? They have the government so afraid of public rebuke that most officials will do little to the ARA’s unless it is a capital crime such as murder. We need to speak up and be heard! I think everyone who cares about rodeo, owning animals or eating an all beef hamburger needs to write to this paper in Colorado Springs and as politely as possible, let them know we as a general public DO NOT support these extremist nor those who use their type of tactics to get their way! Just remember the goal of these types of organizations is the literal freedom of all animals, and to reduce human beings to the lowest common denominator in the food chain!