Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Something not many people ever think about, pictures! Did you know that pictures are owned by the person who took them? If you buy a picture from me, it is has a copyright. That means you can not duplicate, enhance, alter, replicate or anything else without my permission. Yep, even after you buy it I'm the only one who can authorize copies of it. Why, and "that stinks" you say. Well just like a writer, artists, musician or anyone else who creates something; we have the right to say how it is used. In fact per federal law we have rights to sue if it is used in some manner other than what we say it can be. Now as a rodeo photographer I know some of you are going to want copies and most will just run down to WalMart and make them. Just remember when you make those copies you are stealing. Same as walking into a WalMart and walking out with a new DVD. So please be kind to us photographers, we have mouths to feed too!

PRCA opts out of Grit Rock Venture

After some dilberation (or was it complaining by the member) the PRCA has backed out of the Grit Rock Joint Venture. Commissioner Ellerman said he did not think it was the right time for this project to happen. Another must read article or should that be a read into the article?

PBR Donates money to the ProRodeo HOF

The PBR has donated $50,000 to the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame! Please go read the article. It states what everyone thinks, how can rodeo be repersented without a Hall of Fame?

"I spoke personally with PRCA Commissioner Troy Ellerman who both accepted and thanked us for our gesture," said PBR Vice President Cody Lambert of Merkel, Texas. Continued Lambert, "the PRCA is currently evaluating the Hall of Fame to ensure that it can sustain operations in the future. Our contribution will enable the Hall of Fame to get back on its feet and open sooner than what might otherwise be possible."
Lambert added that, "the PBR's roots run deep in pro rodeo since most of us (PBR founders) initially came from the PRCA ranks, not to mention that PBR President Ty Murray is a fixture in the Hall of Fame. Ultimately both the PBR and the PRCA are committed to promoting the western lifestyle, to not recognize each other would be a big mistake for the industry."

Well for everyone who is worried about this issue, why don't we all donate some money to them? Not sure if they'll take it but I'm thinking about sending a check for $5.00 to help. Figure there are over 2,000 members of the PRCA and 100x that many fans, imagine if we all sent $1.00 what we could do? Of course I know at least four slackers out there so I figure I better send what I can to cover for them!

Friday, January 21, 2005

Should rodeo police itself?

There was a question brought up about the commissioner telling the contractors to take care of their own business. It was asked if this was proper to do and shouldn't the commissioner just do this. The following is my response:

Yes the contractors should police themselves and take up their issues first. The commissioner should only have to be involved as a last resort. Why you ask? Well how would you as a team roper like the bullriders to dictate a 15 second time limit? Or roughstock riders how would you like the bulldogers to say from the time the last animal clears the arena you have 30 seconds to nod your head. Get the point? Stock Contractors also are the ones you least want to offend. They can pull out rodeos from being sanctioned faster than bad weather can ruin the gate. I've seen in a small association that had about 50 rodeos, make two contractors mad for different reasons, the next year they had 32 rodeos in the association. By the way those 18 rodeos still went on and MADE money cause they didn't have to pay a sanctioning fee. Part of being progressive is policing yourself! Knowing what issues your event or job brings to the rodeo arena. How long does it take to rake the ground and how many fans leave the arena in the process? Should that effect the barrel racers? Dang right, it's their responsibility to make sure things run quick and smooth and to put on a show for those fans leaving! If everyone thinks you're just going to show up compete and wander off to the next show, you're the one doing damage to rodeo!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

PRCA Minutes Now Online

The PRCA now has their minutes on line. Sounds like some pretty interesting things are shaping up. First you have someone in the commissioners seat who understands business and rodeo. Hopefully he'll remember that change for many of these people is slow! Also remember that sweeping changes that are not thought out in their effect of the lowest common denominator are often most damaging!

Prices will be going up, I hope you all are prepared. I have found that a raise in prices doesn't always get the results you want! The last time I saw an association raise their prices a significant amount, their membership dropped by almost 60%! Be warned Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association!

They have also set up a Bulls subcontractor card for the bullriding only events. The cost is $3,000. Wow, think they'll charge the timed event cattle sub's that much? In my opinion if you want a sub-contractor card, make it just like a contractors card with the exception of the rodeo requirements. Also, allow them to have at least one animal nominated in each of the roughstock events. Maybe not selected, but you'd see those cards go up quick I think.

I think if they really want to be serious about changes they need to look at their own statistics. Rodeos and performances are down! Membership is off! Yes, the prize money has risen but at what cost? If your rodeos had risen, if your membership had risen and your sponsorship money had also risen, where would the organization be today?

Rodeo Blog

This is the newest toy for us at Double P Tack. A rodeo blog for all of our friends, customers and associates to read. Hope you all enjoy it.