Save Us!
TO: The Congress Men and Woman of the State of New Mexico
Dear Sirs and Ma’am,
I am writing in regards to the current energy crisis that exists here in the USA. My question is why are you not doing enough to encourage the automotive and energy corporations to AGGRESIVELY seek out alternative and viable fuel solutions?
As I see it by using fuel sources such as Bio-Diesel and Ethanol we could cut our dependency on foreign oil by more than one half over night. Within a decade it would be feasible that we would not need any foreign oil to sustain our current quality of life at a much cheaper energy cost even with population growth! But instead of you finding these kinds of solutions; you allow the EPA to put a new restriction on vehicles such as diesel vehicles that will cost thousands of dollars in repairs and upgrades to vehicles currently on the road! Now that you’ve put this undue and unfair “tax” burden on the very people who drive America to its sustained place of prominence in the world, can we expect any less than paying more for goods and services? Knowing that alternative energy sources like hybrid electric cars are a growing niche market, even the Governor of the State of New Mexico is using one, don’t you see the writing on the map of America that we as Americans are #1 Tired of paying too much to line someone else’s pocket and #2 are tired of those people supporting terrorism and other anti-American Semitism through our paying higher prices for oil?
Perhaps you could care less because you do not have to fill up your vehicle, or buy your gallon of milk, or pay over $300 a month for heating and cooling a 1200 square foot house while making $10.00 an hour? Maybe I’m too prideful but I really don’t feel like begging the state or any government for a handout when I’m capable of working especially for gas and electric service! Nor do I enjoy putting $50 worth of fuel in my diesel truck to barely get one quarter of a tank of fuel!
So what can be done about it? Besides you taking a personal interest in the welfare of the people of New Mexico? First we have two of the premier research facilities in the USA within our borders. Second we have a top rated state research educational institution in New Mexico Tech, we have a great engineering and business schools located at UNM, we have a top Agricultural research facility at NMSU and a smaller agricultural school at Eastern NM; Plus three top community colleges who excel in the training of people in the trades. Third, we have a large representation of oil producers here in New Mexico up to and including refineries. Fourth, we have you, who are considered some of the most powerful men and woman of congress.
Hopefully you got the point by now. But if you missed it: Why not use the capabilities of our great upper learning institutions to build a better motor vehicle. While Tech and UNM can do the engineering work necessary to build the technical aspects of a better system. State and Eastern can join forces to work on better fuel solutions, the labs and the oil companies can lend a hand with technical data. Then by you using your great power you could have the US automotive industry work with the Community colleges to put the advanced research into vehicles. While the business colleges at UNM, Highlands and Western find better ways to market this strategy to the public for both the energy companies and the automotive industry! Once we have developed viable alternatives to our current situation we could turn to other issues like Wind, Methanol and other mass energy alternatives.
If I were you my challenge to the labs, universities and industries would be to take three vehicles. A Heavy Duty Truck (i.e. one ton diesel) capable of hauling 10,000 pounds of cargo weight, one mini-van and one Large SUV from each US manufacture with the goals set as increasing fuel economy by 75%, reducing emissions by 50%, loss of power not to exceed 5% while maintaining a cost increase of no greater than 5%. In addition they must model a fuels producing facility that could be fully functional within one year of ground breaking with an environmental impact of -25% of current EPA regulations! To me, these standards should be a minimum!
We could and should show the nation that it is possible to save our natural resources and environment while increasing the profits of our nations Agricultural, Automotive and Energy Industries. Through a process such as this we can mark New Mexico’s place as not only an energy producer but an energy saver. By starting this challenge you would also show that while New Mexico might be poor as a state we are rich in tradition, thought, pride and guts! Plus pretty smart for voting Congress People who stand up for the citizens of not only New Mexico but the USA as a whole!
PA Leimbach
Los Lunas, NM
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